ex machina “eternity” video

The third and the last video out of our album “no one” was the video to “eternity”.

The video premiered on December 20, 2014 and was shot entirely in Dresden, Germany.
This video also features the protagonist of the “no one” album in a cityscape striving to meet and influence some people.

Watch the video right here:


ex machina “drifting” video

The next video release out of the “no one” album, was the video to the track “drifting”.

The video premiered on October 12, 2013 and was shot on locations in Aachen, Germany. Again this video was meant to propel the “no one” concept album story of a false prophet a bit further and to give this story some pictures.

Watch the video righ here:


ex machina “no one” video

After the release of of the album “no one” we released the first video out of this album to the title track of the name “no one”… (that’s a lot of no one’s, right?).

Anyway, the video premiered on May 27, 2013 and pretty much sums up the mood of this conecpt album. You can watch the video right here at YouTube: